Lunch in the Time of Covid

To open up more communication lines regarding issues mathematicians face during the pandemic, Vance Blankers, Kristin DeVleming, Kim Klinger-Logan, Manami Roy and I are hosting a series of lunch and discussion panel events which began on Thursday, June 4, 2020. You can find details of past and upcoming topics below. If you are interested in hosting a future lunch, helping to organize this series, becoming a future panelist, or if you have any feedback/suggestions/wisdom, please email any of the organizers! We want these events to be community-oriented and to start conversations, not finish them.

We aim for these discussions to be informal - bring your lunch! - and would like to emphasize the experiences of early career mathematicians, i.e. graduate students through postdoctoral scholars and early tenure track faculty. This does not preclude you from attending if you do not fall into one of these categories though - everyone is welcome! Please feel free to share this page and the registration links widely.

Some of the topics, especially the first week’s, are based on this letter of advice created by Kristin during the early days of the pandemic, some of which also appeared in Kristin’s article for the Early Career section of the AMS Notices. You can also find more links, notes, etc. from each discussion below.

If you are interested in hosting a similar event, Kristin and I wrote an article on how to do so for the Early Career section of the AMS Notices. Questions and feedback are welcome!

Organizing committee: Vance Blankers, Kristin DeVleming, Kim Klinger-Logan, Andrew Kobin, Manami Roy

Upcoming Events

We are on hiatus as of July 2022

Past events (archives for 2020, 2021)

“Red card to green light: how to be a responsible referee” (Wednesday, June 29, 2022 at 12:30PM EDT / 9:30AM PDT)

“How to run a successful REU” (Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 12PM EDT / 9AM PDT)

“The role and responsibility of academics in climate change” (Tuesday, April 19, 2022 at 12PM EDT / 9AM PDT)

“Going international: navigating early career in a new country”, hosted by Maryam Khaqan (Tuesday, March 22, 2022 at 12PM EDT / 9AM PDT)

Lunchtime happy hour (Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 11:30AM EST / 8:30AM PST)

“Life Pro-Tips” (Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 12PM EST / 9AM PST)