Emory Algebra & Number Theory Seminar - Spring 2023
The seminar meets 4 - 5 PM Eastern in room W301 of the Math & Science Center unless otherwise indicated.
Date Speaker Title
1/10 Job talks
1/17 Job talks
1/24 Job talks
1/31 Job talks
2/6 Joint Athens-Atlanta NT Seminar Monday, February 6, 4PM at UGA
2/7 Julia Hartmann (Penn) Local-global principles over semi-global fields and applications...
2/14 Robert Lemke Oliver (Tufts) Uniform exponent bounds on the number of primitive extensions...
2/21 Thomas Brazelton (Penn) Equivariant enumerative geometry
2/28 Chris Keyes (Emory) Thesis defense: Topics in arithmetic statistics
3/14 OPEN
3/21 Freddy Saia (Georgia) A volcanic approach to CM points on Shimura curves
3/28 Sameera Vemulapalli (Princeton) Counting low degree number fields with almost prescribed successive minima
4/4 Roy Joshua (Ohio State) Motivic Euler characteristics and the transfer
4/11 Manami Roy (Fordham) Local data of elliptic curves under quadratic twists and isogeny
4/18 Jim Phillips (Seton Hall) Abhyankar’s Conjecture and the Inverse Galois Problem
4/25 OPEN
4/28 - 4/30 GAGS Hosted at UGA
Seminars from previous semesters can be found here.