Emory Algebra & Number Theory Seminar - Fall 2023

The seminar meets 4 - 5 PM Eastern in room W301 of the Math & Science Center unless otherwise indicated. Pretalks will start at 3:30 PM in room E306, when indicated.


9/5 OPEN

9/12 Andrew Kobin (Emory) Arithmetic geometry and stacky curves

9/19 OPEN

9/26 OPEN

10/3 Igor Rapinchuk (Michigan State) Local-global principles for reductive groups over finitely generated fields

Pretalk (Shilpi Mandal) at 3:30 PM in E301A

10/10 Fall Break

10/17 Bella Tobin (Agnes Scott) Reduction of post-critically finite polynomials

10/24 Joint Athens-Atlanta Number Theory Seminar (4 - 6:15 PM in Skiles 006 at Georgia Tech)

10/31 John Yin (Wisconsin) A Chebotarev density theorem over local fields

Pretalk at 3:30 PM in E306

11/7 Renee Bell (CUNY Lehman) Postponed

11/14 Sandra Nair (Colorado State) Intersection of Ekedahl-Oort strata with the supersingular locus…

11/21 Suresh Venapally (Emory) Local-global principle for homogeneous spaces

(to be followed by a celebration of Parimala’s birthday!)

11/28 Hyuk Jun Kweon (UGA) Postponed

12/4 Anthony Várilly-Alvarado (Rice) Perfect cuboids and magic squares of squares (3 PM in Atwood 240)

12/5 Sun Woo Park (Wisconsin) On the prime Selmer ranks of cyclic prime twist families…

12/12 Kim Klinger-Logan (Kansas State/Rutgers) A shifted convolution problem arising from physics

Pretalk at 3:30 PM in W301

Seminars from previous semesters can be found here.